2024 Spring Meeting
Woodridge Neighborhood AssociationMeeting is March 26th at 6:00P.M. at the West Central Community Center 8616 Colonel Glenn Road Hope to see you there! AND bring your neighbor!!!!
Spring Meeting April 6 – 6:30 pm
Our annual spring meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 6 at 6:30 pm at the West Central Community Center at the corner of Stagecoach and Barrow. Our primary agenda item is to elect officers for the 2023 year. You can also pay your dues at that time. As always, we will try and keep the…
Community Dumpster March 20-23, 2023
The Woodridge Neighborhood Association is providing a dumpster for you to dispose of your household items that you have not been able to use your regular trash can for. A notice was taped to your mailbox about the rules for that dumpster. Be aware, items are not to be placed beside the dumpster, and please…
Fall Meeting
The Woodridge Association will hold its fall meeting on Monday, October 10, at the West Central Community Center Banquet Room at 6:30 sharp and will conclude no later than 7:30 pm. Topics to be discussed are as follows. Financial Report / Safety Issues and Concerns / Looking ahead to 2023 Refreshments will be served.
Association Meeting held April 5
The Association met April 5, and elected new officers (see separate post), and discussed some financial business. The financial business Included changing our bank due to the bank being purchased. A second Item was to work on a new dues payment so that credit / debit cards could be accepted for the annual $100. However,…
Your 2022 officers
The Neighborhood Association met on April 5, and elected new officers. Rhonda Hayes Johnson (63) was elected Vice President, Hilma Clarke (31) was elected Treasurer, and Myrell Crawford (68) was elected Secretary. Arnold Chavers (29) was re-elected president.